EPRI’s Electronic Copyright Release process is designed to reduce the time for processing and approval for copyright permission. When you complete the form and submit your request, you will receive a response with a tracking number so you can contact copyright@epri.com to check on status at any time.
EPRI’s IP Group strives to respond within 1-2 business days, indicating your release: 1) is approved; 2) requires additional information; 3) is undergoing an Export Control Review; or 4) is under review by EPRI Technical staff.
Before you start, you should have:
a) Title and description of copyright materials AND
b) Intended Use, including title and description of publication, conference, meeting AND
IF REQUESTING USE OF EPRI COPYRIGHT MATERIALS, you must have authority to agree to the limited license, disclaimers, non-endorsement, and other terms and conditions of the Copyright Release.
If you do not have signature authority for your organization and such authorization and consent has not been given to you, an authorized representative of your employer should complete and sign this Request for Copyright Release.
Contact copyright@epri.com if you cannot complete the request online.